Recycling: Using and conserving resources sustainably.

We consider the primary tasks of our recycling department to use the highest-quality recycling of reclaimed asphalt in newly produced asphalt, the processing of construction residues into secondary raw materials of the highest possible quality, the storage and removal of earth materials and the responsible, environmentally conscious actions of each individual employee.

Through efficient waste management, we sustainably protect our environment and preserve it for future generations. In order to preserve valuable, high-quality landfill space in the long term and ensure environmentally compatible recultivation, we have developed the earth materials storage and construction materials recycling units within our Group. At our selected sites, we offer you the opportunity to store or accept mineral materials. In addition, we accept concrete rubble at our recycling sites and process it into concrete recycling for reuse as a secondary building material.

Acceptance of

 AVVmax. allocation values
acc. to LAGA
unpolluted earth materials and excavated soil170504Z 0Crock
unpolluted earth materials and excavated soil170504Z 0*Großliebringen
unpolluted earth materials and excavated soil170504≤ Z 1.2Großliebringen
unpolluted concrete rubble170101Z 1.1Großliebringen
unpolluted broken asphalt and milled asphalt according to recycling class A (RuVA-StB)170302-all asphalt plants


 corresponds to allocation values acc. EBVLocations
RC-concrete material  0/56RC 1Großliebringen
processed topsoil or topsoil-Großliebringen

Sales Department
Phone +49-9565-791333
Telefax +49-9565-791155


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